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3 tips for managing your work schedule

It's already the end of the holidays.

Going back to school often means stress... You have to deal with work meetings, travel or your daughter's dance classes: you have to get organised!

The business diary (Outlook & Teams, Google Calendar, Calendar, etc.) is one of the most widely used tools for efficiently managing your schedule. Whether you work for a large or small company, a diary has become indispensable for planning meetings and optimizing your working time.

This week, we're sharing some tips to help you organise your work schedule.

1. Have a single agenda

One of the most common mistakes is to spread your appointments over several different agendas.
In August, we conducted a survey on the social network Hamilton Apps (Linkedin / Facebook / Twitter) to find out how many professional agendas you have. We collected data from 26 voters.

"How many work diaries do you have?"

No diaries: 12%.

1 single diary: 50

More than 2 diaries: 38%.

From this concentrated sample, a trend emerges. We find that 2 out of 5 people have more than 2 professional diaries.

This multiplicity of tools can easily lead to oversights or duplications and thus hinder your performance.  

It seems interesting to merge your diaries in order to gather all the events that take place in your life (both professional and personal) to facilitate the management of your time.

2. Note down as many elements as possible

In order to organise your working week well, you should not limit the use of your diary to simply making appointments. A second tip is to write down as many items as possible, including :

  • Production times, e.g. routine, background or exceptional tasks
  • Travel
  • The deadlines
  • The meetings
  • Free time

The purpose of this tip is to get an overview of your time allocation.

3. Use colour coding

In order to quickly visualise your week, we recommend that you use a colour code for each category of assignment.

For example:

  • Yellow: Production times, including routine, background or exceptional tasks
  • Blue: Travel
  • Red: Deadlines
  • Violet: Meetings
  • Green: Free time
  • Orange : Staff

Back to school is always a good time to make good resolutions. Put these 3 tips into practice and see how useful your diary will be in managing your time.