Fast and convenient room reservation software
Do you regularly organize meetings or training sessions in your company? Perhaps you have already been faced with a room problem? To avoid this type of problem, we offer you an efficient and easy to use room reservation software.
Programs to facilitate room reservations
We are specialized in the development of software that facilitates the management of rooms and visitors. For example, we offer Hamilton Meeting. This software allows you to schedule a meeting or training sessions.
In just a few clicks, you'll find out whether the meeting room is occupied or free. If it's already in use, the room reservation software lets you know the date and time when it will be released . You can schedule your meeting according to what you discover.
In addition to the possibility to easily book a room, this software allows you to send invitations to participants. It is also possible to consult data on the needs of the employees thanks to Hamilton Meeting.
Programs for visitor control
We are not only specialized in the development of room reservation software. We also offer solutions to better manage your workspace and control access to the building.
It is important to monitor movement in a workspace if you regularly hold meetings. It is also essential for places where the general public comes to visit, such as sports halls. To monitor visitors you can use one of our solutions: Hamilton Visitor or Hamilton Workplace. We offer programs that allow you to find out the number and identity of people in a room. They also help you to determine if the meeting room is free or to organize a conference.
Besides access control, our software is useful for modernizing the reception area. For example, the visitor management software allows contactless access via a digital tablet.
This system is essential today to reduce the spread of viruses.
What are the advantages of using a room reservation software?
You benefit from many advantages by using this software:
- No one else will think to occupy the room, as it is reserved in your name. You can be sure that the room is free when you arrive.
- You save time in organizing a meeting or a training. The reservation is done in a few clicks. You don't have to go and check if the room is free because the software gives you this information directly.
- Communication about the event is made easy. A room reservation software allows you to send invitations only to participants. Regarding our software in particular, they are easy to use and to insert in a professional environment.
So opting for room reservation software makes organizing meetings a whole lot easier . Contact us for more information on our solutions, and request a free demo to test our products.