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Meetings or dinners: The perfect recipe for stress-free booking

Reserving a meeting room and a table at a restaurant have more in common than you might think. Imagining that the room has already been taken by another team in search of the next big innovation is a bit like arriving at a restaurant to discover that your table has been given to another group. Without a good reservation schedule, you're looking for a quiet corner, a power outlet and a dose of patience. Fortunately, a good meeting room scheduling software can save you these inconveniences, just as a reservation application ensures a perfect table.

Here's how booking a meeting room can be as simple (and almost as enjoyable) as reserving a table at a restaurant.

How does meeting room scheduling software work?

Meeting room scheduling software is used to optimize and simplify the booking and use of meeting rooms within a company. Its main functions are

1. Intuitive user interface

The tool offers an intuitive user interface where users can view a calendar or grid of meeting room availability, just as they can view dates and time slots of availability on a restaurant's website. Users can quickly locate available slots and move on to booking a room in just a few clicks.

2. Easy online booking

With a simplified booking process in just a few clicks, planning your meetings has never been easier. You can quickly select and book a room to suit your needs, without any hassle.

To save time and improve the efficiency of your organization, you can view room availability in real time, thanks to presence sensors placed in the rooms. This feature lets you instantly see which rooms are free, facilitating planning and reducing the risk of double-booking.

3. Reservations management

When a reservation is made, the software sends notifications to participants with details of the meeting. It's a bit like receiving an SMS confirmation for your restaurant reservation.   

 The system also prevents double bookings and overlapping by automatically blocking occupied slots. Imagine arriving at a restaurant to discover that your table has been given to other customers. Our software avoids this kind of inconvenience by ensuring that a reserved room remains unavailable for others, thus guaranteeing that no one steals your meeting "table".

If the desired room is not available, the software can also offer alternative suggestions. It's like when the restaurant offers you a table near the window with a better view when the one you initially wanted is taken. You always end up with a satisfactory option.

Reservations can be easily modified or cancelled by the organizers. Need to change rooms or postpone your meeting? No problem. It's as easy as saying hello: you can make your changes directly on the software, which will then inform the other employees.

4. Optimizing resources

Thanks to automatic room allocation based on specific requirements such as capacity and equipment (wifi, overhead projector...), you can be sure of always having the ideal space for your meetings. No need to waste time looking for the right room - the intelligent system does it for you.

The solution doesn't stop at booking meeting rooms. It also integrates the management of associated resources such as lunch orders, video projectors and other essential equipment. You can easily reserve these resources at the same time as your room, ensuring that all the necessary equipment is ready and available for your meeting.

5. Centralized planning management

With an overview of scheduled meetings, you can easily see all reservations at a glance, helping you to better organize your schedule and anticipate future needs.

You can also modify or cancel reservations with just a few clicks. Whether you want to change the time, the room or cancel a meeting, updates are instantly reflected in the schedule, ensuring flexible, reactive management.

What's more, you can share the schedule with all relevant participants. Every team member is informed in real time of changes and updates, ensuring smooth communication and optimum coordination.

6. Monitoring and reporting

The system provides reports and analysis of meeting room utilization via dashboards. This data enables managers to identify booking trends, optimize space utilization and pinpoint under-utilized or overcrowded rooms.

Advantages of a meeting room reservation tool

The meeting room reservation tool is a simple, intuitive tool for managing all the services associated with booking meeting rooms. Here are its main advantages:

  • Time-saving: fast, efficient reservations
  • Optimizing resources: efficient use of rooms and equipment
  • Improved communication: easy schedule sharing and notifications
  • Flexibility: easy modifications and cancellations

In short, the meeting room scheduling software ensures that every detail is as well orchestrated as a dinner in a Michelin-starred restaurant.

Gesroom room management tool becomes Meeting

Imagine that developing software is like cooking a gourmet dish. Each update is a new version of the recipe, with improved ingredients to delight users' taste buds. So, like any good chef, we listened to our users' feedback and updated the recipe. That's why Gesroom has become Hamilton Meeting, a software with a feast of more modern, more technological and more intuitive features.

New on the à la carte menu are :

  • Mailing list management,
  • Calendar synchronization
  • Presence sensors (useful for optimizing occupancy rates)
  • Room opening times
  • Tablets and more.

 Are you ready to become the boss of your organization with our meeting room scheduling software? Add a pinch of simplicity and a dose of productivity to your meetings. Book your meeting room with Meeting today, or contact our experts for a demo.