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Hamilton Visitor SSR

Software designed for sensitive sites

Software designed for sensitive sites

Hamilton Visitor SSR is an innovative solution designed to guarantee optimum security for visitor management at sensitive and high-risk sites. Thanks to Visitor's advanced SSR options, you can manage building access validation workflows and prior security investigations. Hamilton Visitor SSR ensures strict control and enhanced protection for your business.

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Secure your sensitive sites with Hamilton Visitor SSR

Visitor SSR is an option to the Hamilton Visitor visitor management software, guaranteeing the security of sensitive and high-risk (SSR) sites, such as those in the defense, armaments, agri-food and other sectors, while providing a smooth, professional visitor experience. With its advanced functionalities, the SSR option offers management of access authorization validation workflows.

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Streamline your reception process

Optimize visitor reception by pre-registering visits and managing contactless entry authorizations. Communicate effectively via integrated messaging for a smooth and secure reception experience.

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Secure your buildings

Real-time access control and visitor movements in your sites. Grant selective access according to your personalized safety and security policy, offering optimal control of on-site presence.

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Interaction tracking

Prepare the arrival of your visitors, from their parking lot to the areas visited, and analyze the records of their previous visits, dates and durations. A mine of information to personalize their experience.

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Safety investigation management

In collaboration with the authorities, assess the visitors' admissibility to the site according to various criteria, such as country of origin. This preliminary approach guarantees enhanced and seamless site security.

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What Hamilton Visitor SSR has to offer : 8 key points

Hamilton Visitor SSR is a software solution dedicated to sensitive sites, such as companies in the chemical, pharmaceutical, agri-food, defense and arms industries. The solution offers a range of powerful features designed to reinforce security at the entrance to your sites when receiving visitors, and to define criteria for accessing, restricting or refusing visitors.

Here are the 8 key features that make this solution an essential tool for any company wishing to protect its sensitive sites.

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Comprehensive visitor management

Create detailed records for each visitor, making it easy to manage personal information, required documents and special authorizationsefficiently, while complying with data protection regulations (RGPD).

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Access control interface

Interfacing with more than 15 access control systems, it enables visitors to pass through gates, airlocks and tripods in complete safety, using QR codes or badges to ensure smooth access management.

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Efficient pre-registration

Enable users to prepare visits in advance by specifying dates, times, hosts and vehicle details, optimizing reception preparation.

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Access authorization validation

Manage visitor access by applying customized rules, validating requests via approval workflows and automatically checking people on a blacklist and granting access upon security officer decision.

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Real-time monitoring

Access real-time information on current, pending, pre-registered or completed visits, enabling proactive management and rapid decision-making to optimize visitor flows.

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Document management

Simplify the integration and management of important documents for each visitor, such as work permits, ensuring full compliance and traceability of essential information.

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Communicate easily with visitors by sending them personalized messages to convey important information before their arrival or during their visit.

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Managing bans and restrictions

Optimize security at reception by accessing the list of prohibited or restricted persons, making it easier for security guards to identify visitor profiles.

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(Re)discover the must-see Hamilton Visitor standard

The standard version of Hamilton Visitor offers an all-in-one set of functions for efficient visitor management. This intuitive software lets you :

  • Pre-register visitors: Make your reception easier by allowing visitors to register before they arrive.
  • Send invitations and reminders by email: Inform your visitors with personalized emails including all the necessary information.
  • Personalize access badges: Create unique badges for each visitor, reflecting your corporate identity.
  • Integrate access control systems: guarantee site security through compatibility with existing security systems.
  • Use detailed dashboards and reports: Track and analyze visits with comprehensive reporting tools.
  • Manage multiple sites and languages: adapt the solution to your international needs for consistent management across different sites and languages.

These features ensure a smooth and secure visitor experience, while reinforcing your company's professional image. The SSR option adds an extra level of security with access validation for sensitive sites, guaranteeing maximum protection.

"The Hamilton Visitor solution has been implemented at all Safran Electronics Defense sites. The information system project team was very satisfied with Safeware's support, an opinion also shared by the business teams."

Philippe Rouxel, Safran Electronics & Defense