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Optimizing resources: the key to productivity

The challenges of corporate resource management

For a company, resource management is of paramount importance, enabling it to make progress in all areas. Whether it's employee management, office management, software management or financial management, there are so many areas that, if poorly managed, can lead to a drop in productivity.

The difficulty of managing workstations

Managing work resources is a major challenge, because workstations are alive and kicking, with many resources constantly on the move. Whether it's employees, equipment, premises or budget. All these resources need to be optimally managed, and this can be a tricky business. All the more so when a company is expanding, as internal and external demands become increasingly present. For example, the greater the number of IT requirements (tangible or intangible), the higher the level of management of these resources.

H3: Impact on employee productivity and well-being

As for the administration of collaborative and individual workstations, it too needs to be balanced with the size of the company to increase both team and individual productivity. And this is all the more complex as these are elements which impact on employee well-being. Resource management in the context of the work environment is therefore important, as it has a direct impact on employee productivity. Poorly managed workstations can have a detrimental effect on the company's overall productivity.

The costs of poor resource management

Good resource management can generate profits. A poor one, on the other hand, can impact the portfolio. And for several reasons. The first is the loss of productivity linked to the search for available space. When employees have difficulty finding available workstations, their productivity suffers, especially when the company offers telecommuting. For managers, managing teams becomes complicated, because they are not constantly aware of where their employees are, and so cannot mobilize their teams to maximize productivity.

Damage to equipment and associated costs

It's also worth noting that the energy costs associated with under-utilized workstations are also a costly factor that shouldn't be overlooked when it comes to saving money. to save money. Finally, one of the main elements reflecting poor resource management in the workplace is equipment degradation. The deterioration of equipment in the workplace indicates shortcomings in the maintenance of material resources, or inadequate use of these resources. This inevitably leads to high costs and lower productivity.

Resource management: benefits for productivity

Optimal resource management is essential to maximizing productivity. It helps create a good working atmosphere that encourages employees. Generally speaking, it's a central pillar of any company.

Improving the employee experience

When you want to improve working conditions for your employees, the general idea that comes to mind is to optimize their daily tasks and their workspaces. Because this allows them to think of only one thing: being productive. And it's true. Resource management provides a global vision of the quality of life of employees at their workstations. A global vision, because this management, as we've seen, isn't just about employees, managing these resources also means optimizing the way workstations are reserved. Keeping workstations clean, quiet and productive. But it's also about fostering collaboration by improving the ways in which employees communicate with each other, or improving employee hybridization, which as we know, plays a central role in many companies. What's more, Workforce Resource Management is a holistic approach that enables you to understand and maximize your company as a whole, to achieve your objectives and make your employees even more productive.

How to increase productivity at your workstations

If workplace resource management is so important to team productivity, how do you increase that productivity? Well, the first step is to understand what's wrong with your workstation resource management. This analysis is important for subsequent action. Nevertheless, to increase productivity, there are constant changes to be made. To begin with, it may be worthwhile to optimize the use of material and immaterial resources. Updating software, changing outdated or faulty equipment, keeping a constant eye out for problems encountered by employees in relation to the equipment provided.

Work layout and policy

You can also continually develop a work environment conducive to productivity. To do this, you can design the space with relaxation zones, unique areas for meetings, etc. You can also work on lighting. You can also work on lighting, which we know has an impact on eyestrain and team comfort. Likewise, you can optimize acoustics with appropriate materials. More generally, you can opt for a more open policy, with flexibility and training that encourages employee development and thus creates productivity. Finally, you can try to reduce search times for available workstations, create a collaboration system with the possibility of knowing the location of colleagues. These are just some of the ways in which managing resources at workstations can maximize team productivity.

The solution for successful resource management

For team productivity, try Hamilton Deskbooking, the all-in-one software that gives you a complete overview of your workstations and teams! With its wide range of functions, you'll have no trouble managing your material, immaterial and human resources!

Try Hamilton Deskbooking for free and stop being caught short in your management!